Cavity Backed Slot Antenna Theory
Posted By admin On 13.06.20Abstract
A novel cavity-backed slot antenna is proposed and experimentally studied. The antenna consists of a slot cut in a ground plane and backed by shorting strips, forming a backing cavity. A cavity-backed resonant slot array-Theory and measurement Abstract: An antenna is described which consists of a broadside array of half-wavelength slots backed by a single cavity containing a filter that allows resonance with a mode suitable for the excitation of the array. Radiation pattern.The Backing of cavity to the slot antenna provide the basics of the gain enhancement and the slot loading effect and the cavity volume plays an important role in achieving. Abstract: A three-dimensional finite-element method hybridized with the spectral/spatial domain method of moments is presented for the analysis of ferrite-tuned cavity-backed slot antennas. The cavity, which is partially filled with magnetized ferrite layers, is flush mounted on an infinite ground plane with possible dielectric or magnetic overlay. The antenna operates primarily in the ultrahigh-frequency band.
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Cavity Backed Spiral Antenna

DESIGN OF A HIGH-GAIN CAVITY-BACKED SLOT ANTENNA WITH MUSHROOM CELLS AND BENT GROUND WALLS A. Eldek Department of Computer Engineering Jackson State University JSU Box 17098, Jackson, MS, USA Abstract This paper presents a cavity backed slot antenna design with high gain and relatively small size. The large ground plane of the.
This paper proposes a new wideband W-band substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) cavity-backed slot (CBS) antenna. The SIW cavity suppresses the backward radiation and ensures this antenna have a very low profile (only about 4% of the operating wavelength). Several techniques, such as slot resonator with semicircular end, quarter-wavelength microstrip resonator, are introduced to improve impedance matching. The studied results demonstrate that this antenna has wide operating bandwidth in 54.3–67 GHz (about 20.9% of the fractional bandwidth), unidirectional radiation pattern and good linear polarization characteristic. These properties are very suitable for RF front-end system-on-package (SoP) design in millimeter wave wireless communication systems.
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